Uploading key budget documents

How to upload and categorise key budget documents to be easily discoverable

The key budget documents are shown on the departments list page for a given financial year.

We upload the documents to datasets in CKAN because it allows the regular documents to be categorised consistently, making it easy to find them alongside relevant data, and if someone is looking for all instances of the same document. It is then also possible to provide some guidance for how to use specific kinds of documents.

In the examples below,

  • if the financial year is 2020-21, treat <financial year> as 2020-21

  • for a provincial document, if the province is Limpopo, treat <province> as Limpopo

  • etc

For each document, if the dataset title is the same, then the document should be uploaded as a different resource on the same dataset.

Always specify the the financial year in the Financial year field.

National budget documents

Always specify the sphere as National, with no provinces selected.

The key national budget documents are those on the year's budget page on treasury.gov.za

Original budget


Dataset title

Resource title



Budget Speech video

National Budget Speech <financial year>

Budget Speech Webcast


Budget Speeches

Budget Speech document

National Budget Speech <financial year>

Budget Speech

Budget Speeches

Estimates of National Expenditure

Estimates of National Expenditure <financial year> (same dataset as for the structured data)

Estimates of National Expenditure full document

Estimates of National Expenditure

Budget highlights

National Budget Highlights <financial year>

Budget Highlights

Budget Highlights

People's guides

National Budget People's Guide

People's Guide - <language>

One resource per language

People's Guides

Budget Review

National Budget Review <financial year>

Budget Review

Budget Reviews

Appropriation bill

National Appropriation Bill <financial year>

Appropriation Bill

(if the bill reference like B2-2020 is available, it's ok to include that)

Appropriation Bills

Division of Revenue bill (see full details)

Division of Revenue Bill

Division of Revenue Bill

Division of Revenue Bills

Tax pocket guide

Tax Pocket Guide <financial year>

Budget <year> Tax Guide (if the title it has on the page makes more sense, us that.

Tax Pocket Guides

Any additional documents listed as key documents, which don't occur each year.

Occasional Budget Documents

Adjusted Budget

Dataset title

Resource title



Medium Term Budget Policy Statement

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement <financial year>

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement

Medium Term Budget Policy Statements

MTBPS speech document

MTBPS Speech <financial year>

MTBPS Speech

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speeches

MTBPS Speech webcast

MTBPS Speech <financial year>

MTBPS Speech


Medium Term Budget Policy Statement Speeches

Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure

Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure <financial year>

Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure

Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure

Division of Revenue Amendment Act

Division of Revenue Amendment Bill <financial year>

Division of Revenue Amendment Act

Division of Revenue Amendment Bills

Division of Revenue Amendment Bill

Division of Revenue Amendment Bill <financial year>

Division of Revenue Amendment Bill

Division of Revenue Amendment Bills

Adjustments Appropriation Bill

National Adjustments Appropriation Bill <financial year>

Adjustments Appropriation Bill

Adjustments Appropriation Bill

Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill

Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill <financial year>

Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill

Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bills

Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill

Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill <financial year>

Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill

Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bills

Taxation Laws Amendment Bill

Taxation Laws Amendment Bill <financial year>

Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill

Taxation Laws Amendment Bill

Provincial budget documents

The documents for each province are under directories for that document type

Original Budget


Dataset title

Resource title


Budget Speech

<province> Budget Speech <financial year>

Budget Speech

Budget Speeches

Appropriation Bill

<province> Appropriation Bill <financial year>

Appropriation Bill

Appropriation Bills

Appropriation Act

<province Appropriation Bill <financial year>

Appropriation Act

Appropriation Bills

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

<province> Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure <financial year>

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (note this is different from the Estimates of Provincial Expenditure group, which is for structured data of all provinces in one file)

Budget Overview of Provincial Expenditure

<province> Budget Overview <financial year>

Budget Overview

Budget Reviews

Guide to the budget

<province> <their title> <financial year> e.g. Gauteng Socio-Economic Review and Outlook 2016-17 or Limpopo People's Guide to the Budget 2019-20

<their title>

People's Guides

Provincial allocations to schools and municipalities ( in terms of Section 30(2) of the 2015 Division of Revenue Act)

<province> Provincial allocations in terms of Section 30(2) of the <year> Division of Revenue Act

Provincial allocations in terms of Section 30(2) of the 2015 Division of Revenue Act

Provincial allocations

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure standardised tables in Excel format

<province> Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure <financial year>

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure standardised tables

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

Any additional documents listed as key documents, which don't occur each year.

See classification guide

Occasional Budget Documents

Adjusted Budget


Dataset title

Resource title


Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

<province> Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure <financial year>

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure standardised tables in Excel format

<province> Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure <financial year>

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure standardised tables

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure

Adjustment Appropriation Bill

<province> Adjustment Appropriation Bill <financial year>

Adjustment Appropriation Bill

Adjustment Appropriation Bills

Last updated