February: Adding a new national budget
How to add a new national budget when it is tabled in February in advance of a new financial year
When the budget speech starts, and again when the data is available on vulekamali, the homepage notices need to be updated.
The following is required to add a new national budget to vulekamali
Immediately upload key budget documents
Structured data for updated charts and department pages
The ENE Vote e-publications and accompanying per-vote Excel files must be added to the CKAN to show up on department pages
Follow the bulk-uploading procedure to upload the documents, and
see the section for specifics on ENE conventions to ensure you upload them correctly
The Budget vs Actual National Expenditure structured fiscal dataset must be updated with the new Main Appropriation data from the ENE
Publish the new financial year
When all the above is completed, the new financial year can be marked as published
. This will result in the homepage and department pages showing data using the newly-updated data.
Dataset checklist
These are all the datasets needed to upload a new national budget to vulekamali and where to source them.
Dataset (link is example structured for vulekamali)
Source (link is source format)
Last updated
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